It's probably safe to assume you didn't anticipate your life going this way. You probably had goals, plans, and visions about how your family was suppose to be. You probably weren't even entirely sure what your future looked like, but I bet raising a child alone was totally out of the realm of possibility.
Now let's be totally honest, the single mom life isn't one that many voluntarily sign up for. Being a mom is really freaking hard, but you know it's easier to raise your children alone than with someone who doesn't want to. It's easier dealing with every meltdown and tummy ache alone, than sharing that responsibility with someone who doesn't respect you.
I know you have days that you feel like you can't give 100. It's okay, you're human.
I know you have moments you feel like you're going to break. That's okay, too.
I bet you even have times you feel like you're doing it all wrong- life, motherhood, everything. You're not.
I hope you know you're killing it. On the bad days, rough days, and everyday in between. I hope you know you have people admiring your strength, and cheering for you- including me.
Another single momma